Thursday, June 27, 2013

What to do if you get a Bug in Your Ear?

It's a topic that I had hoped to never write about.  Along with snakes and choking in public, it's one of those things that makes my stomach turn and something that I hope and pray never happens to me - getting a bug in my ear.

But these things happen.    These bugs that crawl around  the house, tent, etc., and seek shelter in your ear canal when you least expect it.  Earwigs?  They're named that for a reason! I have read from many articles that the pain is excruciating when a bug enters your ear - especially if its still alive and moving around.  And get this.....the most common bugs that enter the ear are cockroaches and beetles!  I'm having a hard time even writing about it - need to step away.........

Okay, I'm back.

So - you have an unwelcomed visitor in your ear - what do you do? Most professionals advise not doing anything and seeking immediate medical attention.  Others say that you can add mineral oil drops to your ears to try and kill the bug UNTIL you can get to a medical professional or specialist to remove it.  The reason for this is that when the bug is alive and moving, this causes the most pain.

Hoping you don't encounter this situation, but if you do, you'll know what to do!!!

Glad this post is done - have a great weekend (sweet dreams:)!!

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