Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Spring Awakening with Trivia!

Everyone loves a little trivia, right?  Whether it's to expand your knowledge, exercise your brain or impress your friends at happy hour, a little information can go a long way.

That being said, we thought it would be fun to have a trivia game - let's see how many you know!  Feel free to list your answers in the comments below or post your answers directly on Facebook.  The person with the most correct answers will reign as the King/Queen of Liberty Trivia - until the next game:)

Ready, set - GO!

1.  Approximately how large is the deaf community in the U.S.?

2.  How many babies are born deaf every year?

3.  Which country in the world has the highest rate of deafness among its general population?

4.  True or False:  Vertigo has nothing to do with your ears.  It's a condition set forth in your brain.

5.  True or False:  There is only one type of sign language used by the deaf community throughout the world.

6.  What is the decibel level of an average, indoor heavy metal rock concert?

7.  What is the name of the condition that can result from either long term or instantaneous exposure to loud noises?

8.  Are there hearing aids for dogs?

9.  True or False:  Stress has no effect on hearing loss.  Hearing loss is induced only from loud noises and is age related.

10.  What is the most popular product that Liberty Health Supply sells?

Good luck everyone!  Check back on Thursday for answers!

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